Mobile phones

In order to create a calm and safe environment for our students, free from distractions and the stresses of social media, we have strict rules on the use of mobile phones during the school day.

Key Stage 3 is a phone-free environment. All students in years 7-9 hand their phones in to their tutors every morning. These are then returned at the end of the school day. All phones are kept locked in a secure storage space.

Students in years 10 and 11 follow a “not seen/not heard” policy. This requires them to keep their phones inside their bags, with all notifications switched off. This applies to the whole school day from 8.25am to 3pm.

Sixth form students should not have phones out during lessons. They may be used in the sixth form communal areas but must not be seen or heard anywhere in the main school. This applies to earbuds and headphones as well as to their phones.

In these policies we are following advice from the Department of Education on mobile phone use in schools.

Further information may be found in the "Behaviour and rewards policy" on the policies page of this site.