2024 GCSE Exam Results

Gold Rush For Grey Court as we deliver another record breaking set of results!


Grey Court students have experienced a Gold Rush of grades in an Olympic year that has seen the school maintain its position amongst England’s top performing state schools. 

  • 49% of grades were 9-7 

  • 90% of students achieved 9-4 including English and Maths 

  • 29% of all GCSE grades 8 or 9

  • 80% of students achieved a strong pass (grade 5) in both English and Maths.

  • 92% of grades were 9-4

The medal winning standards that were reached last year (when the school experienced something of a Grade bonanza) has been solidified with a beaming Headteacher Mr Rhodes, declaring himself “delighted with Grey Court’s 24 carat success which has dispelled any worries that last year’s outstanding performance was a flash in the pan.”

His thoughts were echoed by the school’s Assistant Headteacher KS4, Ms Weston, who coordinated Team GC’s current campaign.  “This cohort of students has proved themselves to be worthy of their place on our medal podium: their hard work, discipline and resilience has been rightly rewarded with success.  When I looked them in the eyes in my final assembly I could see they were prepared and focused.  I am delighted for them.”

Much like the Team GB Paris performance, Grey Court’s success has been shared with an incredible 17 students achieving 9 grades at 8-9.  Of these, Xavi Mtandabari, who gained 10 grade 9s, and plans to study Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry and Drama at Grey Court Sixth form, exclaimed, “I am delighted with my grades - my parents and teachers really supported me.  Grey Court has really been the perfect stage for me.”  Another star performer, keen rugby player, Ben Hislop, who recorded an incredible 11 grades at 8 and 9, remarked that, “Having spent the summer watching the Olympics” I hoped that my grades would replicate Team GBs!  I now hope to replicate these grades at A-level and work towards representing England in the rugby 7s in LA in 2028!”

Other standard bearers for academic success included: Maryse Forest (five grade 9s, 4 grade 8s and an “A” grade at AS politics), Claudia Jimenez Peraleda (seven grades 9s, two grade 8s and an “A” at As Politics),  Elise Mertens (six grade 9s and three grade 8s) and  Kihyeon Lim (seven grade 9s and three grade 8s).

These results follow last week’s similarly Gold Standard set A level results which resulted in the highest number of students achieving places at the prestigious Russell group set of universities alongside the schools track record of students’ achieving multiple Oxbridge places for every cohort since the sixth form’s inception 10 years ago.

Richard Clements - Deputy Headteacher KS4/KS5